

Addressing the Challenge of Water Insecurity in the Sahel.
With climate change amplifying droughts and altering precipitation, regional cooperation and shared expertise in water management are vital for resilience.

May 2023




Addressing the Challenge of Water Insecurity in the Sahel.
With climate change amplifying droughts and altering precipitation, regional cooperation and shared expertise in water management are vital for resilience.

May 2023




Addressing the Challenge of Water Insecurity in the Sahel.
With climate change amplifying droughts and altering precipitation, regional cooperation and shared expertise in water management are vital for resilience.

May 2023



Keywords : Water Management; Dependency; Regional Cooperation; Irrigation

The Sahel region uses more groundwater than is replenished. Water distribution varies dramatically between countries. For instance, Nigeria enjoys abundant water resources, while others, such as Burkina Faso, face water scarcity. More than 40% of the water supply in Mali and Chad and 90% in Mauritania and Niger comes from beyond their national borders, highlighting the heavy reliance on transboundary water river systems. This dependence calls for an integrated approach to regional water resource management, especially as the region deals with rising water stress driven by climate change, demographic growth, and the expansion of agriculture. Projections suggest a decline in water availability per capita by 2080, putting additional pressure on the region and calling for enhanced water management on a regional level.

Given that climate change will likely increase precipitation, at least in the mid-Sahel, causing rains to increase in intensity and variability. This raises the need for collaboration on water use, particularly on water storage and water retention in the soil. The Sahel shows potential for an enhanced way to harvest water from rainfall, which can be used for irrigation. The region, therefore, needs an adapted reservoir and collection system that notably considers the high rate of evapotranspiration and lessens the loss of water when stored.

Considering the region’s dependence on groundwater and climate change increasing both precipitation and drought, regional collaboration, including the sharing of water management best practices and technical assistance, is needed to build resiliency.

Key Takeaways

The Sahel region faces significant water management challenges, exacerbated by climate change, demographic growth, and agricultural expansion. The reliance on transboundary water systems and variable rainfall patterns necessitates an integrated regional approach to ensure sustainable water distribution and usage.

  • Variable Water Resources and Dependency: The Sahel's water supply varies widely; over 40% in Mali and Chad, and over 90% in Mauritania and Niger, comes from transboundary sources, emphasizing the need for regional cooperation.

  • Climate Change and Water Management Needs: Anticipated changes in precipitation patterns require enhanced collaboration on water storage and retention strategies to mitigate the impacts of increased rainfall intensity and variability.

  • Improving Regional Water Management: Essential developments in water management in the Sahel should focus on integrated systems that tackle high evapotranspiration and support both state and local water governance.

  • International Support for Water Sustainability: Organizations like FAO, IAEA, and CIWA are vital in providing the Sahel with technical support for irrigation enhancements and sustainable water infrastructure development.

There is ample opportunity to improve an integrated regional water management system in the Sahel to better manage water use and distribution so that future generations will have adequate water supply. This system must be based on constant development and sharing of knowledge on water governance and the health and sustainability of groundwater. This effort needs to combine top-level inter-state collaboration on regional agreements with the strengthening of local community water management. The region could also take advantage of Saharan underground resources, which call for cooperation between states and can potentially address the demand in Sahelian countries.

Organisations such as the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and the Cooperation in International Waters in Africa program (CIWA), funded by the World Bank Sahel Groundwater Initiative, are providing a range of technical assistance and management capacity to the Sahel region. This includes support for small-scale agricultural irrigation that improves the water retention capacity of soil and more efficient irrigation systems. The restoration of land and the creation of both small and large-scale water harvesting and storage systems require significant investment going forward.

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