
Global Research on Children Reintegration

Advancing Reintegration Strategies for Children
in Conflict Zones.



Research and Analysis




Programme development

Global Research on Children Reintegration

Advancing Reintegration Strategies for Children
in Conflict Zones.



Research and Analysis




Programme development

Global Research on Children Reintegration

Advancing Reintegration Strategies for Children
in Conflict Zones.



Research and Analysis




Programme development

Global Research on Children Reintegration , Global
The Office of the UN Special Representative on Children affected by Armed Conflict
Global Research on Children Reintegration , Global
The Office of the UN Special Representative on Children affected by Armed Conflict

Through this research, we aim to enhance understanding and action around the reintegration of children from conflict zones, promoting strategic, locally-attuned strategies intended to foster sustainable development and peace.

Our team has conducted research, commissioned by the office of the UN Special Representative on Children Affected by Armed Conflict. This research aimed to: [a] identify financial and programmatic barriers to the successful reintegration of children affected by armed conflict; [b] propose a strengthened theory of change for reintegration, that regards it as a strategic shared risk investment among sectoral actors across the Humanitarian, Development, and Peace (HDP) nexus. [c] identify effective programming mechanisms and financing instruments that are adaptable to different operational contexts, with an emphasis on local ownership. 

Key Takeaways

  • Barrier Identification: Uncovering the financial and programmatic barriers that hinder the effective reintegration of children impacted by armed conflict.

  • Theory of Change: Proposing a theory of change to enhance reintegration strategies as a collaborative investment across humanitarian, development, and peace sectors.

  • Localised Solutions: Emphasising the importance of local ownership, our recommendations are tailored to fit diverse operating environments, ensuring that solutions are contextually relevant and sustainably financed.









DK-CVR 36433582

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OAM Consult